What’s new

Campaign & News updates  |  29th May 2020

COVID-19 Lower limb disorders: Covid toes, acute ischaemia and perfusion injuries

As we gain more experience and knowledge surrounding COVID-19, new symptoms of the virus continue to be identified.
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Tips & Advice  |  28th May 2020

Optimising compression therapy in venous leg ulcers

Alison Hopkins was delighted to be invited to be part of a webinar organised by the European Wound Management Association on Wednesday 27 May entitled "Dilemmas of understanding and optimising compression therapy in venous leg ulcers".
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Campaign & News updates  |  1st May 2020

Joy as NHS places spotlight on community wound care improvement

A leading vascular nurse consultant said she “could scream Hallelujah” after leg ulcers in community patients were included in a performance-related pay scheme for trusts.
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Thought pieces & Research  |  1st May 2020

Covid-19 presents interesting times for those of us involved in wound care

An article originally from The Nursing Times on self-care and prevention of wounds during the coronavirus
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Tips & Advice  |  16th April 2020

Quality of life wound checklist

Quality of Life (QoL) tool 'Wound Checklist' approved by the Royal College of Nursing.
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Thought pieces & Research  |  19th November 2019

Inflammation but not as you know it!

Are you aware venous hypertension raises these same enzymes within the tissues whether you have a wound or not?
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