Meet our affiliates
We’d like to thank all of our Affiliates for supporting Legs Matter. An Affiliate can be a charity, not for profit organisation, NHS organisation or social enterprise with an interest in legs and feet.
Being connected with like-minded organisations like yours represents a tremendous opportunity for us to share our message and ensure that legs and feet are on everyone’s agenda.
Our affiliates

The British Association of Prosthetists and Orthotists (BAPO) was established to encourage high standards of prosthetic and orthotic practice. It is committed to Continued Professional Development and education to enhance standards of prosthetic and orthotic care.
BAPO is the only UK body that represents the interests of prosthetic and orthotic professionals and associate members to their employers, colleague Allied Health Professionals and all groups that are involved in the field of prosthetics and orthotics.
The International Skin Tear Advisory Panel (ISTAP) was formed to raise international awareness of the prediction, assessment, prevention, and management of skin tears. The ISTAP comprises a panel of multidisciplinary healthcare professionals representing: Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Middle East, North America and South America.
Our focus is to educate doctors, health professionals and the public about Lipoedema and its symptoms, so it may be diagnosed and treated earlier. Because Lipoedema is frequently mistaken for obesity or Lymphoedema, many women don’t get appropriate advice or treatment – a state of affairs we are on a mission to change.
Our belief is that with earlier diagnosis and treatment women can prevent developing further complications and manage their Lipoedema. We also provide information about Lipoedema to our members and health professionals, report on research findings and commission our own research.
Daylong offer a top quality range of brands and product with a fantastic choice of hosiery for every occasion available direct to consumers.
Daylong produce a free magazine “In This Together” twice per year.
Sign up for your free magazine
Become a Legs Matter affiliate
We want to work with like-minded organisations to help raise awareness of our campaign and to further develop the website, and signpost people to relevant and useful information.
To achieve, this we want to develop strong working relationships with affiliate organisations who share our vision and aims.
Interested? If you’d like further information about joining our campaign, please pop your details in call back form below and we’ll get in touch.
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Tell us what you think
If there’s anything you want to ask us or tell us, whether it’s a suggestion about our website, a complaint, or a compliment, drop us a line at