Nothing too strenuous here but some approaches which are easy for you to do and will reinforce your determination to keep your legs healthy.
How to use a Theraband for leg exercise if you have a leg ulcer or foot ulcer
The movement of the ankle directly links to the important pump in the calf at the back of your leg – this muscle keeps blood flowing to the feet. These simple exercises with a Theraband will help you work towards achieving good movement in your ankles which, in turn, will help reduce swelling and improve healing for your wound.
Thanks go to Alison Hopkins at Accelerate, one of our coalition partners for creating the above video resources.
Step by step exercises if you have leg or foot problems
Please note: If you experience joint pain, low back pain or you are concerned please discontinue. However do not be surprised if you experience a pulling tight sensation in the muscle you are working, that is to be expected if you have been immobile. If you find the exercise painful stop and discuss with your clinician at the next opportunity.
Keep your ankles active
- Sit on a chair up straight with your feet flat on the ground
- Raise your leg up and roll your feet in a circle as demonstrated on the picture
- With your leg up, point your toes down and then point your toes towards your chest as demonstrated on the picture

Heel raises
- Sit on a chair up straight with your feet flat on the ground
- Raise your heels upwards, while keeping your toes on the floor
- Lower your heels back to the ground
- Once comfortable doing this exercise press down onto your knees and bring your leg up against the resistance of you hands

Toe raises
- Sit on a chair up straight with your feet flat on the ground
- Raise your toes upwards, while keeping your heels on the floor
- Lower your foot back to the ground

Knee raises
- Sit on a chair, up straight, with your feet flat on the ground
- Raise one knee at a time up towards your chest
- Lower your foot back down to the ground

Leg raises
- Sit up straight with your back well supported and your feet flat on the ground
- Straighten your leg out
- Lower your leg back down in a controlled way do not just let it drop
- Once comfortable doing this exercise press down onto your knees and bring your leg up against the resistance of you hands

Download this page as a leaflet
An A4 flyer which is easy to print with simple exercises to help keep legs and feet healthy.

Thanks go to Ina Farrelly and Alison Hopkins at Accelerate, one of our coalition partners for providing the above content.