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15th August 2023

Only complete the survey if you are a clinician

Leg ulcers are very common and account for 2-3% of all healthcare budgets. The UK National Institute of Health (NIHR) funded Early Venous Reflux Ablation (EVRA) randomised controlled trial was designed to clarify whether early endovenous intervention (e.g. endothermal ablation and foam sclerotherapy prior to ulcer healing) of superficial venous reflux improves healing in patients presenting with a leg ulcer of less than 6 months in duration. The results showed that with respect to ulcer healing, ulcer recurrence and cost effectiveness, early intervention was of benefit. However, in both groups there was a significant recurrence rate and 27% of patients were excluded from the EVRA trial because their ulcer was > 6 months’ duration.

Imperial College are designing two RCTs to be included in a leg ulcer platform study, one investigating endovenous intervention in patients with leg ulcers over 6 months in duration, and one involving regular surveillance to treat any developing or residual superficial venous reflux to reduce recurrence.

This questionnaire should take less than 3 minutes to complete. Any information provided will not be disclosed in an identifiable form outside the research team.

If you have any questions relating to this survey please email Francine (Imperial College London)


By completing this questionnaire I agree that:

  • I am voluntarily offering my views, I understand that I do not have to take part, and I can stop at any time
  • My comments may be anonymously quoted
  • The research team will have access to my email if I provide this at the end so that I can be contacted to be asked further information

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