Well leg check day

Information Area, St Joseph's Hospice Hub, Hackney
What’s it about?
Focusing on the 3 point leg check and the use of the Mesi to raise awareness of lower limb conditions.
We’ll be sharing information on how to check your lower limb. Clinicians will be available for the team and the public to ask any questions they have and free leg checks will be offered.
What will you learn?
- How to identify the early signs of venous disease to prevent further lower limb issues for all vistiors and staff at St Josephs Hospice
- The importance of skin care
- The impact of gravity on the lower limb
- To understand the role of British Standard class 1 compression socks in early intervention and self management
- How to find further information
Who’s it suitable for?
- Anyone who is interested in checking their leg health
- Carers