Date: Thursday 15th June 2023 09:15 – 16:15

Advances in lower limb and foot care study day

Online via Zoom
Book your FREE place now


The care of people with lower limb and foot conditions remains topical thanks to the work being undertaken by the national wound care strategy programme and campaigns such as Legs Matter. Across the UK there are examples of exciting and innovative practice that is making a huge difference to patient outcomes.

This study day, brought to you by the Society of Tissue Viability, is a step up from our Fundamentals of lower limb and foot care session and aims to provide delegates with a better understanding of current research and how to manage/ treat some of the more complex lower limb and foot conditions.

Who’s the advances in lower limb and foot care study day suitable for?

This study day will be relevant to clinicians regularly treating patients with lower limb or foot conditions (eg leg ulceration, chronic oedema, foot ulceration, PAD), vascular nurses, podiatrists, community nurses, general practice nurses, dermatology nurses, tissue viability nurses, GPs.

Programme and speakers

Surgical intervention to treat lymphoedema following lower limb trauma

Miss Maleeha Mughal, Surgeon, St Thomas’s Hospital, London

Diagnosing common skin conditions of the leg and foot

Julie Van Onselen, Independent Dermatology specialist nurse

Assessment & management of Charcot foot

Karen Ballanowski, Podiatrist, NHS Fife

Using a validated tool to improve Vascular assessment: The WIFI tool

Jo Casey, Professional Development Lead & HEE Workforce and Education Reform Lead, Royal College of Podiatry, Visiting Fellow, University of Southampton, Co-Vice Chair Legs Matter)

Identifying infection – Correct diagnosis when treating leg and foot ulcers

Speaker TBC

The AHSNs role in improving lower limb care

Julie Hewish, Programme lead, AHSN Oxford

Virtual exhibition

There will be an interactive virtual exhibition of wound care products and preventative aids from our industry partners.

Our Trustees look forward to welcoming you all virtually to the classroom.