Page last updated:
14th March 2024

Legs Matter Week event submission

Thinking of hosting a Legs Matter Natter?

You can simply put the kettle on and get your friends, family or colleagues together that week over tea to talk all things legs and feet. A Legs Matter Natter can be as big or small as you make it. The important thing is that it’s a chance to get more people talking about leg and foot health. It could be as simple as downloading our awareness leaflet and checking your own or other’s legs and feet for the early warning signs. If you’re feeling adventurous, you could even bake some leg and foot themed cakes or biscuits!

We’d love to know what you’re planning for your Legs Matter Natter or any event you’re organising for Legs Matter week let us know about your event below or don’t forget you can order a natter pack and all sorts of other materials from our shop

Legs Matter Natter Pack

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Tell us about your event

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Details about your event

We'll use the details you provide us here to show your event on our calendar
Location of your event*
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Max. file size: 8 MB.

Your contact details

We ask for your contact details incase we need to ask any question about the event, or if anything is missing from your submission. These details WON'T be shared on the website.
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